First Aid - Basic Firs Aid

Basic First Aid Without CPR

First Aid Symbol
First aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury , with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery.

Burns, Bleeding wounds, Sudden collapse, Nose bleeding, Bites etc...  

Aims of First Aid
Relieve pain
To prevent
To serve life
For more recovery

Principles of  First Aid 
There are five principles of first aid;
1: Danger
2: Response
3: Airway
4: Breathing
5: Circulation


If you see that a person has fainted, firstly try to find the cause through which he has fainted. If you will find any danger around the casualty, then prevent that.


If you could not find any danger around the casualty then do three steps to make him conscious.
The three steps are following;
i) Shake (shake his body softly not badly)
ii) Shout (Shout with his name)
iii) Clap (Clapping near eyes)


A way through which a person can breath is called airway.
i) Try to pave the way for breath.


In this step we check the casualty's breath that is he breathing or not.
It has two methods.
i) Look (look to his abdominal that is it moving or not)
ii) Listen (bring your ear near to the casualty's nose and try to listen and feel that is he breathing or not)


If your casualty is not breathing then check his blood circulation with his pulse.
Always use your two or three fingers in the form of pistol grip to check the pulse. Don't use your thumb to check pulse.

Recovery Position  
Must lay down casualty in recovery position.

After that check his face color. If you will feel that casualty has died then apply the method of CPR.

Wounds & Bleeding

An injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow or other impact, typically one in which the skin is cut or broken.

Bleeding types:
1: External bleeding
2: Internal bleeding

Symptoms of internal bleeding 

Swelling, Tenderness, Pain, Deformity, Discoloration

First Aid of External Minor Bleeding

To stop the minor bleeding  follow these steps one by one.
1) Wash 2) Dry 3) Pressure 4) Dressing

First Aid of External Major Bleeding 
To stop major bleeding follow these steps.
1) Direct pressure 2) Elevate the injured part above the heart level 3) Dressing and binding 4) Pressure on pressure points

Causes of Burn
1) Fire
2) Steam
3) Electricity
4) Radiations
5) Chemicals

Degrees of Burn
There are three degrees of burn.


1st Degree Burn
Redness, Pain, Burning sensation, Skin sensitivity, Swelling

2nd Degree Burn
Blisters and all above

3rd Degree Burn
Complete Burn

First Aid of Burn

1) Flowing Water (Flow the water on the burnt part to decrease the temperature and make sure that the temperature of water is normal)
2) Dressing (cover the burnt part with cloth)

Critical Burn
Critical burn required immediate medical aid.
Face burn, Joints burn etc.

Do Not Do
i) don't break blisters
ii) don't use ice
iii) don't use fluffy materials

Shock is a state of physical shut down, your body enters shock when there is not enough circulating blood .

Angina is the type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. The symptoms of angina are squeezing, pressure, heaviness, tightness or pain in chest.
Heart Attack
Heart attack happens when the flow of Oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked and the heart can't  get oxygen.

First Aid of Angina and Heart Attack
 Must lay down in "W" position and call the ambulance.

chocking occurs when foreign object becomes lodged in the throat or windpipe , blocking the flow of air.

First aid for Infant:
5 times black slaps and if you are expert then 5 times chest thrust.
 Firs aid for Child:
Firstly 5 times back slaps, 5 times chest thrust and 5 times abdominal thrust.
 First aid for Adult:
5 times back blows, 5 times abdominal thrust.


What to do when you get Nose bleed?
Follow these steps:

1) Grab a tissue or cloth to catch the blood.
2) Tip your head forward. Don't lean your head back.
3) Pinch the soft part of your nostrils together for ten minutes, without stopping.  (Don't forget to breath through your mouth.)
4) Don't pick rube or blow your nose.
5) You should see your doctor if the nose bleeding was caused by a hit or fall, if it doesn't stop bleeding after 30 minutes or if you start to feel dizzy.
